Tag Archives: imported oil

Imported Oil: American Gutlessness Means Perpetual Slavery

Did you hear about the United States finally becoming energy independent again thanks to our great President Donald Trump, the guy who has essentially declared war on mass transit and alternative energy?  Actually, he didn’t just promise energy independence. He promised energy “dominance.”


Here’s how Energy Secretary Rick Perry explained energy dominance to the White House press corps on Tuesday: “An energy dominant America means self-reliant. It means a secure nation, free from the geopolitical turmoil of other nations who seek to use energy as an economic weapon.”  “An energy dominant America will export to markets around the world, increasing our global leadership and our influence.”

You might have missed it, but the Saudis didn’t.  So OPEC has done it again. Jacked up production and sold below cost so the price of oil and gasoline plunge to $20 per barrel. They can count on the neediness, whining and shortsightedness of the generation that is still in control of the United States, the Baby Boomers, and the gutlessness of U.S. politicians, to stand aside yet again as the domestic fossil fuel industry, alternative energy companies, and conservation are wiped out and replaced by cheap foreign oil. And then, when our dependence and vulnerability have been fully re-established, OPEC will again slash production and jack up the price of oil to $100 a barrel, causing another recession and another avalanche of U.S. dollars out of the country.  As they did in 1973, and 1981, and 1990, and 2008, and 2011-14.   Ah, but that’s the future, and we can’t think about that now!  What about my need for cheap gasoline!  I want for me now, and now, and now, and again now!

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